Base class from which any social network client of the social-connector
library is inheriting. The class includes some common logic for all clients, as well as describing the interface which should be implemented by each custom client class (e.g., Instagram
Public methods provided by SocialConnector
public showNext(): boolean
Returns whether to show a next page button.
public showPrevious(): boolean
Returns whether to show a previous page button.
Protected methods provided by SocialConnector
protected constructor(...)
- Properties:
protected appId: string
protected afterTokenFunction: () => void
customApi?: new () => APIAbstract
Sets the appId
and afterTokenFunction
options. Initializes the API class to use - default implementation or a custom class. Must be called from the inheriting class' constructor (super()
protected setToken(authResponse)
Sets the proper access token and user id. Currently only support Instagram.
protected setPaginationCursors(response)
Sets the properties to handle pagination (next and previous pages). Works with Meta's Pagination logic.
Public methods that must be implemented by inheriting class
Event handling function - to be used when the "Connect with social-network" button is clicked.
Returns a promise which resolves to an array of photos from the social network. The direction
optional parameter can be used to request the next / previous page.
static getPhotoUrl(id)
Returns a promise which resolved to the URL of a specific photo (by its id). Can be used to load it to a cropper / edit before upload.
static getUserId()
Returns the User ID as it is returned from the social network API.