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Initialization and Redirect URL

Follow the Getting Started guide for proper initialization of social-connector. This guide also includes detailed instructions on setting up the Redirect URL.

Click Handler

The Instagram instance includes a method called clickHandler(). For convenience, it is also available as a static class method. This method provides the logic for handling the authorization flow:

button clicked --> if token is valid --> run afterTokenFunction()
			   --> if no token / expired --> go to Instagram's Authorization flow

This method can be used directly as a handler on the "Add Photo from Instagram" button. Otherwise, if a custom event handler is used, it should be called as the last statement:

function exampleHandler(ev) {
	sendLogToServer("clicked on Instagram", someData);
	// do some more stuff
	Instagram.getInstance().clickHandler(); // or Instagram.clickHandler()


This function is set as part of the initialization options of the Instagram instance (check out the Configuration documentation for further details on the setup).

The referenced function is called in two cases:

  1. After clicking the button (by clickHandler()) - if there is already a valid token for Instagram
  2. As the final part of the initialization stage, if an authorization token is passed from the Redirection URL and a short-term Access Token has been received.

Use this function to request photos and set pagination (see below).

Pagination: Next / Previous

The Instagram instance exposes two functions, both of which return a boolean value - to determine whether there is a next page or previous page for the API call:

const ig = Instagram.getInstance();

let showNextButton = ig.showNext();
let showPreviousButton = ig.showPrevious();

These calls should be made after the getPhotos() call, for example, inside the afterTokenFunction() function.

In order to actually call the next or previous page, it is possible to call getPhotos() with an extra parameter:

import { DIRECTION } from "@social-connector/social-connector";

const getNextPage = () => ig.getPhotos(DIRECTION.NEXT);
const getPreviousPage = () => ig.getPhotos(DIRECTION.PREVIOUS);

The pagination interface is left on purpose open to different types of implementations - this way it can be used both for buttons (Next / Previous) and scrolling. The actual implementation also depends on whether the app keeps the previous photos loaded or loads each page separately. All of these options are possible using social-connector.